About us

Established in 1968, IWM's core activity is the sales and service of computerised coil winding equipment and solutions. IWM are sole European agents for Wey Hwang & Erasan winding machinery, with ongoing spares supply for the discontinued CCW & G S Automation S.A. product ranges. In addition to providing new machinery, we provide a variety of services from coil sampling to coil winding machine maintenance and repair. We are able to draw on over 40 years experience in the coil winding industry to provide our customers with cost effective solutions to their coil winding needs.
IWM's headquarters are located at Tewkesbury industrial estate, Gloucestershire. We are centrally located, close to the M5 motorway for ease of connection across the UK.
location map
  coil winding machine showroom      coil winding machine demonstration room
Finance Options - Leasing // Hire Purchase
We are licenced in the UK by the Office of Fair Trading and work with major lending institutions to assist our customers with new machinery purchases. Call us for more details regarding machine financing.
Need a sample?
We are here to help. IWM provide a service for sample and prototype coils. Should you come across a job that you can't do, call us - we are very likely have the right machine for the job in stock. After receiving samples, and the winding specification, we can then give you example winding times to enable you to cost the job and arrange for your samples to be returned for your evaluation of the winding quality. Please do not hesitate to contact us by phone or email, we are here to help and happy to help.
We are a member of the International Coil Winding Association.
IWM's Managing director, Roland West, is a past Chairman of the world's oldest coil winding association - the International Coil Winding Association. Click on the logo for more details.
ICWA internation coil winding assiocation
Does your organisation need european representation?
We specialise in selling high tech products into the electronic manufacturing sector. Our sales staff are educated to degree level, and the company has extensive in-house IT skills. We work with local partners in fourteen countries across Europe, including extensive coverage in eastern Europe.