BOBIFIL rebuild program

Why not give your old Bobifil machine a new lease of life with a comprehensive rebuild?
With over 60 refurbished Bobifil coil winding machines already delivered to satisfied clients, there’s no-one better qualified than us to carry out this work.
A typical Bobifil coil winding machine restoration includes:
  • Change the 500 pulse head encoder for a 10,000 pulse unit.
  • Change the main spindle motor for a brushless DC motor with brake.
  • Change the guider motor for a brushless DC unit. (Mechanical machines require the installation of an electronically controlled endless feed screw for the guider system).
  • Frequency controller for the main motor.
  • Motion control of the winding machine axes through PLC and electronic programming.
  • Electrical cabinet separate from the machine to eliminate electrical noise and interference produced by the motors.
  • Mechanical modifications, as required for fitting of new components, e.g. guide heads, tooling.
  • Latest generation control software.
  • Complete repainting and refinishing of the winding machine.
  • New accessories at client request.
  • Full compliance with CE regulations.

A fully restored Bobifil coil winding machine is capable of giving many more years of reliable service on your shop floor

The Bobifil rebuild programme is covered by a full twelve month guarantee for all of the new components. Existing mechanical parts, such as the head stock and gear box, pulleys, guides from the guiding system, feed screws and tailstock, are excluded, since these parts are not changed under this program.
However, the correct function of these parts will be verified by our technicians while the machine is being rebuilt, and if these parts should need repair or replacement, the client will be advised.

Heavy duty coil winding machine series
A new electrical cabinet is installed in the machine as part of the modernisation process rebuilt E-900 bobifil winding machine
ER500 Re-build example
Heavy duty coil winding machine series
Heavy duty coil winding machine series

A fully refurbished Bobifil ER900 Machine.

Only the castings were used, everything else is new!

ER33 Re-build example
ER1200 Re-build example
Heavy duty coil winding machine series
Heavy duty coil winding machine series
Heavy duty coil winding machine series
Heavy duty coil winding machine series
Only the castings were used, everything else is new!
Download the product datasheet here english datasheet for the heavy duty coil winding machine english datasheet for the heavy duty coil winding machine