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How can I get in touch?


Every page has our logo, and email address shown in blue, simply click on the email address to send us an email.Alternatively, you can use the RFQ from under company
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+44 (0) 1684 273164
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How to see pictures

almost all the pictures on this site have been thumbnailed, (made smaller for compact file sizes), however larger and higher resolution versiona are avaiable, simply click on any picture and it will enlarge to full screen for easy viewing, then when done somply click the close button at the bottom of the new window.



Making text larger in Internet Explorer 7

For the first time in Internet Explorer a zoom feature is included which allows you to enlarge the whole browser window.
to do this press ' Ctrl ' + ' + ' to increase the zoom and 'Ctrl ' + ' - ' to decrease the zoom.You can also change the text size. The way to do this does depend on how the site has been built.For many sites you only need to do the following:
  1. Open the ' Page ' menu with the mouse or by pressing 'Alt'+'P ' .
  2. Select the ' Text Size ' option with the mouse or by pressing ' X '. See Fig 1.
  3. Choose your preferred text size by clicking on it or by using the up and down arrow keys to select it and then press ' Enter ' .
Fig 1The text on the website should now have changed to reflect your choice.However some websites have fixed the size of their text ('hard-coded') and as a result these websites will not show the change you have just made. If you would like to use larger text on these sites follow the following steps:
  1. Click on the ' Tools ' menu with the mouse or press ' Alt'+' O ' .
  2. Click on ' Internet Options ' option with the mouse or press ' O ' . You should now see the ' Internet Options ' box as shown in Fig 2 below.
Fig 2
  1. Click on the ' Accessibility ' button which is highlighted with a red circle in Fig 2 with the mouse or press ' Alt '+ ' E ' .
Fig 3
  1. In the Accessibility box click the ' Ignore font sizes specified on web page ' checkbox to add a tick or press ' Alt '+' Z ' as shown in Fig 3.
  2. Click the ' OK ' button to return to the Internet Options box.
  3. Click on the ' OK ' button, or press ' Tab ' until ' OK ' is selected and then press ' Enter ' to return to Internet Explorer.
Note: If this does not work it could be because your computer settings cannot be changed due to local IT policies - contact your local IT support for further help.

Magnifying the screen - 

Open the Windows magnifier using the following steps:
  1. Open the ' Start ' menu by clicking on the ' Start ' button orby pressing the Windows logo key (located between the ' Ctrl ' and ' Alt ' keys on most keyboards ) alternatively press ' Ctrl ' + ' Esc '.
  2. Click on ' Programs ' or alternatively press ' P ' on the keyboard until 'Programs' is highlighted and then ' Enter' .
  3. Click on ' Accessories ' or press ' A ' on the keyboard until ' Accessories ' is highlighted and then press 'Enter ' .
  4. Click on ' Accessibility ' or if you are using the keyboard, it will already be highlighted so just press 'Enter ' .
  5. Click on ' Magnifier ' or press ' M ' and when ' Magnifier' is highlighted, press ' Enter ' on the keyboard.
  6. The magnifier is now turned on and the settings box appears.
  7. You can click in the magnification level box to change the level of magnification (highlighted in Fig 1 below ) or use the up and down arrow keys.
  8. You can minimise the magnifier settings box by clicking the minimise button orby pressing ' Alt ' + ' Space ' and then press ' N ' .
Fig 1Note: If this does not work it could be because your computer settings cannot be changed due to local IT policies - contact your local IT support for further help.