Amper Messe, Brno 2015

Amper 2015

Amper- 23rd International Trade Fair of Electrotechnics and Electronics
Brno Exhibition Centrex (CZ)
IWM will be on the THONAUER spol. s r.o. stand
Stand F 3.04

hall plan here

more info here

Stand F 3.04

IWM's shared a stand with our Czech partners Thonauer stand was bustling with visitors from many different sectors of industry coming to see the latest in wound coil production technology.

Please click here for more information about the show.

IWM at the berlin coil winding show  

The Thonauer stand at Amper 2015

IWM at the berlin coil winding show

The twin spindle bench top coil winding machine WH-800i was on display

We would like to thank all of you who visited our stand and to remind you if you have any further queries or need any help, please contact us using any of the following methods....

On-line enquiry form - Simply fill out the boxes and add any comments you may have

E-mail - Simply click here or Call us on +44 (0) 1684 273 164

We are here to help


Happy to help!