Quotation / Information Request

Please add the information for your core to the form below. Alternatively, we will be very pleased to deal with your enquiry by 'phoneor E-mail
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Unit 5L, Delta Drive, Tewkesbury, Glos. GL20 8HB.
+44 (0) 1684 273164
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Please send me details on the following products:
Bench-top Coil Winding Machines - Wey Hwang Accessories & Production Aids
Toroid Bobbin Taping
WH-900, 4 & 6" Belt & Slider Winding WH-764, 4 Spindle, high speed WH-TP01 - Auto Taping Machine
WH-900A, 8 & 12" Belt Winding WH-752, 2 Spindle, heavy wire IWM006 " Wide cut to length" tape dispenser
WH-900-T6 6 " Taping head option WH-751, 1 Spindle, heavy wire IWM1000 "cut to length" tape dispenser
WH-300, Heavy Duty Winding WH-800, 1/2 Spindle, heavy wire TDA025 "cut to length" Carousel  dispenser
WH-751, Hot air bonder Wire Stripping
WH-Hook winder WH-751, Multi S01 - Brush - Heavy Duty
WH-766T , 6 sp skeiner
Shuttles-        4"    6"
Belt   Side slider Wire slider
Wire Tensioners - Magnetic S02 - Stone - Fine
Wire Tensioners - Low Cost S03 - Knife - Medium
Wire Tensioners - dynamic
Heavy duty winding Machines - Erasan   Label Dispensing machine
Bench style Head stock only style Wire spool / drum covers
E 1200
E 1200 C Hand winder
E 900
E 900 C Since the closure of GS-Automation S.A. we can provide some assistance in sourcing spare parts, please contact us to request the part and we will do our best to help 
E 300
    Since the closure of CCW we can provide some assistance in sourcing spare parts, please contact us to request the part and we will do our best to help Or select form the list below
Expanding Mandrels
Bobifil Rebuilds
Supply spool tensioners
Profile wire guide heads Model 978 Power board
Foil WindersModel 978 CPU board
LV foil machine
Strip Coil Machines    
Automatic Coil Winders - Wey Hwang    
Air coil
Multi Spindle 4 (four)
Laminators - Lamination stacking machines
RFID manufacturing Technology
Multi Spindle 6 (six)
Skeiner (Twister) hand tool
Chip Wound Inductors
Multi Spindle 8 (eight)
Cut to length - Fe6C
Filament Coils
Multi Spindle 12 (twelve)
Model 978 motor drive board
    Shuttle system (load / unload)
4*7/32 (224-001) shuttle
    Skeiner (Twister)
Machinery Finance Options

Comments Please explain any "other" selections from above or add any comments that may help us to understand your application.