C W I E M E   2012 - Berlin Germany

Hannover Messe 2012 - Hannover Germany

AMPER 2012 - Brno Czech


Producronica   2011 - Munich Germany

C W I E M E   2011 - Berlin Germany

Coil Technica 2011 - Hannover Germany


Coil Technica 2010 - Hannover Germany

C W I E M E   2010 - Berlin Germany


Productronica 2009 - Munich Germany

C W I E M E   2009 - Berlin Germany

Elosys 2009 - Trencin - Slovakia - October


TIB 2008 Bucharest - Romania

MSV 2008  Brno Czech Republic

C W I E M E   2008 - Berlin Germany

Amper  2008- Prague Czech Republic


Productronica 2007 - Munich Germany

MSV 2007  Brno Czech Republic

C W I E M E   2007 - Berlin Germany

Amper  2007- Prague Czech Republic




C W I E M E   2006 - Berlin Germany

Amper 2006  Prague Czech Republic

Industria 2006  Budapest Hungary

MSV 2006  Brno Czech Republic

TIB 2006 Bucharest - Romania

Biała Power Industry Fair 2006  Poland

Elosys 2006 - Trencin - Slovakia - October


C W I E M E   2005 - Berlin Germany

Productronica 2005 - Munich Germany

Amper 2005  Prague Czech Republic

Industria 2005  Budapest Hungary

MSV 2005  Brno Czech Republic


C W I E M E   2004- Berlin Germany

Amper 2004  Prague Czech Republic

TIB 2004  Bucharest Romania


C W I E M E   2003 - Berlin Germany

Productronica 2003 - Munich Germany


C W I E M E   2002 - Berlin Germany


C W I E M E   2001 - Berlin Germany

Productronica 2001 - Munich Germany


C W I E M E   2000 - Berlin Germany

Coil Winding   2000 NEC UK


Coil Winding   1998 NEC UK


CWIEME Coil Winding, Insulation & Electrical  Manufacturing Exhibitions
26. June - 28. June 2012

Hall 1.1 Stand 1315

IWM at the berlin coil winding show

The IWM stand at Berlin 2012

IWM at the berlin coil winding show .

With the all new E-1200 SERVOTECH machine; demonstrating the latest automatic gear box technology, with "green" production efficiency.

IWM at the berlin coil winding show

The automatic aircoil winding machine (which produced over 5500 coils during the show) and

IWM at the berlin coil winding show . IWM at the berlin coil winding show

IWM at the berlin coil winding show .IWM at the berlin coil winding show

The full range of multispindle and bench top winding solutions as well as production aids, were also on display

Click here for more information about the show.

Hall 1.1 Stand 1315

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HANNOVER MESSE 2012 - Coil technica

Coiltechnica 2012

HANNOVER MESSE 2012 - Coil technica Munich International Trade Fair for Coil Winding, Transformer and Electric Motor Manufacturing Technology
Hannover (DE) )
23. April - 27. April 2012

Hall 25 Stand F07

A great show, with large number of new customers, IWM's stand was bustling with visitors from many different sectors of industry coming to see the latest in wound coil production technology.

On the stand was the new generation distribution transformer production machine E-900, now with servomotor main spindle drive using upto 70% less power consumption, our fully automatic air coil machine - produced over 5500 sensor air coil inductors during the show.

The stand also featured a six spindle automatic bobbin winder, with automated load unload system as well as our range of benchtop top solutions and production aids to the coil winding shop floor.

Please click here for more information about the show.

IWM at the Coiltechnica coil winding show  

The IWM stand at Coiltechnica 2012

IWM at the hannover coil winding show

The full range of bench top solutions and production aids were also on display

as well as the six spindle auto machine with loading function, and finally the automatic air coil winder.

IWM at the hannover  coil winding show

CoilTechnica is a new flagship trade show in the HANNOVER MESSE portfolio. This is where manufacturers of coils, transformers and electric motors will supplement the wealth of products and services represented at this important technology event.


Click here for more information about the show.

Hall 25 Stand F07

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Amper 2012 exhibition

AMPER 2012 20th International Trade Fair of Electrotechnics and Electronics
Brno Exhibition Centre (CZ)
IWM will be on the THONAUER spol. s r.o. stand
20th March. - 23rd March 2012

Hall F Stand F012

IWM's shared a stand with our Czech partners Thonauer stand was bustling with visitors from many different sectors of industry coming to see the latest in wound coil production technology.

Please click here for more information about the show.

IWM at the berlin coil winding show  

The Thonauer stand at Amper 2012

IWM at the berlin coil winding show

The single spindle bench top coil winding machine WH-751 was on display

Hall F, Stand F012

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productronica 2011

WHERE - International Technical Fair, Munich, Germany - HALL B3 STAND No 367

WHEN - 15. November - 18. November 2011

IWM at the berlin coil winding show
The IWM stand at Productronica 2011

IWM at the berlin coil winding show

The automatic aircoil winding machine (which produced over 6800 coils during the show) and

IWM at the berlin coil winding show

The full range of multispindle and bench top winding solutions as well as production aids, were also on display


We would like to thank all of you who visited our stand and to remind you if you have any further queries or need any help, please contact us using any of the following methods....

On-line enquiry form - Simply fill out the boxes and add any comments you may have

E-mail - Simply click here or Call us on +44 (0) 1684 273 164

We are here to help


Happy to help!

Hall B3 Stand 367

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tib exhibition

WHERE - Berlin Messe, Berlin, Germany
WHEN - 24th -26th May, 2011

HALL 1.1 STAND No 1315

IWM at the berlin coil winding show

The IWM stand at Berlin 2011

IWM at the berlin coil winding show .IWM at the berlin coil winding show

With the E-1200 machine & spool tensioner from our heavy duty range and

IWM at the berlin coil winding show

The automatic aircoil winding machine (which produced over 8000 coils during the show) and

IWM at the berlin coil winding show

The full range of multispindle and bench top winding solutions as well as production aids, were also on display

Click here for more information about the show.

We would like to thank all of you who visited our stand

We are here to help


Happy to help!

Hall 1.1 Stand 1315

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HANNOVER MESSE 2011 - Coil technica

tib exhibition

Transformer and Electric Motor Manufacturing Technology
Hannover (DE)
4. April - 8. April 2011

HALL 7 Stand D24

A great sucess, for the second year running, this time without the ash cloud, IWM's stand was full of potential customer, many new contacts with corss-industry relations, proving a great way for many OEM markets to see the latest in wound coil production technology.

On the stand was the dustribution transformer production machine E-1200 and hydraulic dereeler, automatic air coil machine - producing over 6000 RFID antennas during the show.

The stand also featured a six spindle automatic bobbin widner, with automated load unload system as well as our range of benchtop top solutions and produciton aids to the coil wdining shop floor.

IWM at the berlin coil winding show  

The heavy duty model E-1200-SGB and DP4 de-spooler

IWM at the berlin coil winding show

The full range of bench top solutions and production aids were also on display

as well as the six spindle auto machine with loading funciton, and finally the automatic air coil winder.

IWM at the berlin coil winding show

CoilTechnica is a new flagship trade show in the HANNOVER MESSE portfolio. This is where manufacturers of coils, transformers and electric motors will supplement the wealth of products and services represented at this important technology event.


Click here for more information about the show.


We would like to thank all of you who visited our stand and to remind you if you have any further queries or need any help, please contact us using any of the following methods....

On-line enquiry form - Simply fill out the boxes and add any comments you may have

E-mail - Simply click here or Call us on +44 (0) 1684 273 164

We are here to help


Happy to help!

Hall 7 Stand D24

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CoilTechnica, Hannover Messe 2010

show logo

WHERE - CoilTechnica, Hannover Messe, Germany

WHEN - 19th -23th April, 2010


IWM at the berlin coil winding show  

The heavy duty model E-900-SGB

IWM at the berlin coil winding show

The full range of bench top solutions were also on display

IWM at the berlin coil winding show
as well as production aids, to increase factory efficiency....

IWM at the berlin coil winding show

CoilTechnica is a new flagship trade show in the HANNOVER MESSE portfolio. This is where manufacturers of coils, transformers and electric motors will supplement the wealth of products and services represented at this important technology event.


Click here for more information about the show.


We would like to thank all of you who visited our stand and to remind you if you have any further queries or need any help, please contact us using any of the following methods....

On-line enquiry form - Simply fill out the boxes and add any comments you may have

E-mail - Simply click here or Call us on +44 (0) 1684 273 164

We are here to help


Happy to help!

Hall 6 Stand E25

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CWIEME, Berlin 2010 show logo

WHERE - Berlin Messe, D-14055, Berlin, Germany

WHEN - 22nd -24th June, 2010

IWM at the berlin coil winding show  IWM at the berlin coil winding show

With the E-900machine from our heavy duty range and

IWM at the berlin coil winding show

The new multispindle automatic winder solutions and

IWM at the berlin coil winding show

The automatic aircoil winding machine produced over 6000 coils during the show

IWM at the berlin coil winding show

The full range of bench top solutions as well as production aids, were also on displayClick here for more information about the show.

Happy to help!

Hall 1.1 Stand 1315

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WHERE - Messe Munich, Germany HALL B4 : STAND No 156
WHEN - 10.  - 13. November 2009

IWM at the berlin coil winding show
IWM at the berlin coil winding show
IWM at the berlin coil winding show
With the model E-900 from our heavy duty range..
The full range of bench top solutions were also on display, as well as production aids, to increase factory efficiency....

Click here for more information about the show

We would like to thank all of you who visited our stand and to remind you if you have any further queries or need any help, please contact us using any of the following methods....

On-line enquiry form - Simply fill out the boxes and add any comments you may have

E-mail - Simply click here or Call us on +44 (0) 1684 273 164

We are here to help


Happy to help!

Hall B4 Stand 156

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CWIEME, Berlin 2009

IWM at the berlin coil winding show IWM at the berlin coil winding show

WHERE - Berlin Messe, D-14055, Berlin, Germany

WHEN - 5th -7th May, 2009

HALL 1.1 STAND No 1315

IWM at the berlin coil winding show  IWM at the berlin coil winding show

With two machines from our heavy duty range the model E-1200 and the all new E-900

IWM at the berlin coil winding show

The full range of bench top solutions were also on display

IWM at the berlin coil winding show
as well as production aids, to increase factory efficiency....

Click here for more information about the show

We would like to thank all of you who visited our stand and to remind you if you have any further queries or need any help, please contact us using any of the following methods....

On-line enquiry form - Simply fill out the boxes and add any comments you may have

E-mail - Simply click here or Call us on +44 (0) 1684 273 164

We are here to help


Happy to help!

Hall 1.1 Stand 1315

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ELECTROSALON 3th International Trade Fair for Electronics, Electrical Technology and Automation

WHERE - HUNGEXPO Budapest Fair Centre, Budapest Hungary

WHEN - 19th - 22nd May , 2009
Hall A, STAND 212/F


IWM at the berlin coil winding show  IWM at the berlin coil winding show

IWM exhibited at the show with our partners thonauerHungary


Hall A Stand 212/F

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tib exhibition2008 34nd  Bucharest International Technical Fair

WHERE     -     ROMEXPO, Bucharest Romania


WHEN      -     7th - 11th October , 2008

tib exhibition   tib exhibition

IWM exhibited at this exhibition with our Romanian partner divelpro

Click here for more information about the show

Hall 1 Stand 356

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WHERE     -     BVV - Trade Fairs Brno, Vystavistě 1, 647 00, BRNO, Czech Republic


WHEN      -     15th - 19th September, 2008

IWM exhibited at this exhibition with our Czech partner thonauer


Click here for more information about the show

Pavillion C Stand 44

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Coil Winding, Insulation & Electrical Manufacturing 

International Conference and Exhibition


June 10 - 11 - 12, 2008  -  Berlin, Germany

WHERE- Berlin Messe, Berlin Germany 

Hall 1.1 Stand 1315

WHEN - 10th, 11th & 12th June 2008


One of the best shows ever in the history of IWM, the new stand layout and extra space proved useful simply to come with the number of visitors trying to got onto our stand.

berlin show

Click here for more information about the show

Hall 1.1 Stand 1315

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AMPER 2008 16th International Trade Fair of Electrotechnics and Electronics

WHERE     -     PVA Centre, Prague, Czech Republic


WHEN      -     1st - 4th April, 2008


A great show, IWM exhibited at this exhibition with our Czech partner thonauer

ampere prague exhibition


Click here for more info

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productronica  exhibition

WHERE - Messe Munich International, Germany   

Hall A6 Stand 577

WHEN - 13th - 16th November 2007


Automated solutions was the hot topic for this show.

We had on display a fully automatic air coil winder with 4 & 8 spindle multi-spindle machines.

productonica stnad for winding machines

As well as our well known bench top (2 axis) machine range


Hall A6 Stand 577

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WHERE     -     BVV - Trade Fairs Brno, Vystavistě 1, 647 00, BRNO, Czech Republic


WHEN      -     1st - 5th October , 2007

IWM exhibited at this exhibition with our Czech partner thonauer

Click here for more information about the show

msv show       msv exhibition

Hall C Stand 44

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cwieme show

Coil Winding, Insulation & Electrical Manufacturing 

International Conference and Exhibition


May 22 - 23 - 24, 2007  -  Berlin, Germany

WHERE - Berlin Messe, Berlin Germany 

Hall 1.1 Stand 1315

WHEN - 22nd, 23rd & 24th May 2007


What a fantastic reception to our latest range of automated solutions, on show was a fully automatic air coil winder and multi-spindle machine.

inder               multispindle

IWM had their biggest stand ever and still only just managed to get all the people on...


With new innovations from our heavy duty machine builders Erasan...

heavy duty winder

There was plenty to see to see..

berlin show

Click here for more information about the show

Hall 1.1 Stand 1315

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ampere 07

AMPER 2007 15th International Trade Fair of Electrotechnics and Electronics


WHERE     -     PVA Centre, Prague, Czech Republic


WHEN      -     27th - 30th March, 2007


IWM exhibited at this exhibition with our Czech partner thonauer

A first in Europe...for our new range of automation solutions,

the SKR-DQA fully automatic air coil winder...


A huge success, with great interest shown, during the show we produced over 20,000 Loudspeaker coils.


coil display box   GSA widning machines

Click here for more info

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elesys exhibition

12th International Exhibition of Electrical Engineering and Electronics

WHERE     -     ROMEXPO, TRENČiN, Slovakia


WHEN      -     10th - 13th October , 2006

IWM exhibited at this exhibition with our Slovakian partnerthonauer

elosys showelosyselosys


Click here for more information about the show

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tib show2006

32nd  Bucharest International Technical Fair

WHERE     -     ROMEXPO, Bucharest Romania


WHEN      -     3rd - 7th October , 2006

IWM exhibited at this exhibition with our Romanian partner divelpro


sshow standexhibition of winding mahcines

Click here for more information about the show

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19.International Bielsko Biała Power Industry Fair


energetab show

WHERE     -     ZIAD Bielsko-Biała SA, al. Armii Krajowej 220, Poland


WHEN      -     12th - 14th September , 2006

IWM exhibited at this exhibition with our Polish partner aet 


Clickm here for more information about the show


We would like to  thank all of you who visited our stand and to remind you if you have any further queries or need any help, please contact us as we will be pleased to help

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msv exhibition


WHERE     -     BVV - Trade Fairs Brno, Vystavistě 1, 647 00, BRNO, Czech Republic


WHEN      -     18th - 22nd September , 2006

IWM exhibited at this exhibition with our Czech partner thonaue

msv show  msv show

A good visitor turnout with active project leads meant a busy time ahead for IWM


Click here for more information about the show

 We look forward to the future and welcome

all new challenges however big or small.

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Coil Winding, Insulation & Electrical Manufacturing 
International Conference and Exhibition
30 - 31 & June 1, 2006  -  Berlin, Germany

WHERE - Berlin Messe, Berlin Germany

Hall 1.1 Stand 1315

WHEN - 30th, 31st May & 1st June, 2006


Click here for more information about the show

berlin show standbenchtop widning machine display

IWM's whole range of products were on display.

benchtop widning machine displaybenchtop widning machine display

video demonstrations as well as "live machines" in operation!

heavy duty winding machine display

There was an overwhelming interest and successful launch of our new range of

large, heavy duty thick wire winding machines


This show was probably the most successful yet, with large number of enquiries it looks as if the winding industry is on the up.

industria exhibition

WHERE     -     HUNGEXPO Budapest Fair Centre, Budapest Hungary

Hall A, STAND 212/F

WHEN      -     16th - 19th May, 2006

IWM exhibited at the show with our partners Thonauer Hungary

  industria exhibitionindustria exhibitionindustria exhibition        

With many enquiries and new contacts, a brilliant show was had by all  

 Click here for more information about the show

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WHERE     -     PVA Centre, Prague, Czech Republic


WHEN      -     4th April - 7th April , 2006


A productive show - IWM exhibited with our partners Thonauer

coil dispaly    

Click here for more information about the show

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WHERE     -     Messe Munich International, Germany


WHEN      -     15th November - 18th November , 2005

A successful show, IWM's stand was busier than ever

Click here for more information about the show

 New machines and products on show gave everyone a lot to talk about... 

productronica stand     productronica standproductronica stand  productronica stand

  • Prototyping.

  • Air coils.

  • Affordable effective coil-winding solutions.

We would like to thank all of you who visited our stand and to remind you if you have any further queries or need any help, please do get in touch

Hall A6 Stand 577

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msv show


WHERE     -     BVV - Trade Fairs Brno, Vystavistě 1, 647 00, BRNO, Czech Republic


WHEN      -     3rd October - 7th October , 2005

After a successful show earlier this year in Prague (AMPERE), IWM exhibited at this exhibition with our Czech partner Thonauer

msv widning machine stand  msv winding machines on dispaly

It was a great chance to meet with previous show visitors, catch up with our latest developments and tackle challenging new production issues.

Pavilion C, Stand e14

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ciwemem logo

Coil Winding, Insulation & Electrical Manufacturing 
International Conference and Exhibition
June 21 - 22 - 23, 2005  -  Berlin, Germany

WHERE - Berlin Messe, Berlin Germany 

HALL 2.2 STAND 1129

WHEN - 21st -23rd June, 2005


This years stand at the Berlin coil winding show...

ciweme stand

The stand was bustling with new and innovative solutions to winding production; on show were the latest models with brushless DC motor and new generation toroid machine.


Stand 1129

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WHERE     -     HUNGEXPO Budapest Fair Centre, Budapest Hungary

Pavilion A, STAND 212/J

WHEN      -     24th - 27th May , 2005

IWM exhibited at the show with our partners Thonauer Hungary

  industria stand  

Although visitor numbers were low, the quality of customers attending was beyond expectations


Click here for more information about the show

Stand 212/J

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ampere 2005

WHERE     -     PVA Centre, Prague, Czech Republic


WHEN      -     5th April - 8th April , 2005

A fantastic show - IWM exhibited with our partners Thonauer

ampere stand    

ampere winding solutions

With over 7 halls full of electronics products,

there was high interest in the winding systems on offer from IWM and Thonauer

ampere winding solutions   ampere winding solutions  ampere winding solutions

Click here for more information about the show

Stand 7A11

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tib winding solutions2004

WHERE     -     ROMEXPO, Bucharest Romania

HALL 1, STAND 350 b

WHEN      -     5th - 10th October , 2004

Pictures Below is Managing Director of IWM Mr Roland West with the Romanian agent from Divelpro srl Mr Florin Mosneanu

tib winding solutions

Upwards of 1000 exhibitors on an area of 38.000 sqm, attended the TIB fair in 2002, welcoming 22 countries among Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Holland, Italy, Japan, Spain, Switzerland, United Kingdom and USA. With a celebration year of 30 editions, this was a well run venue with upwards of 11,000 visitors

A very good show and to top it off IWM won the design innovation award for the Model 800(i) machine, from the whole show. Pictured below is Florin in the exhibition press conference centre receiving the certificate and placard from the Romanian Minster of commerce and the Romanian Minster of education.

tib winding solutions

Stand 350 Hall 1

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    tib winding solutions        

tib winding solutions

Coil Winding, Insulation & Electrical Manufacturing 
International Conference and Exhibition
June 15 - 16 - 17, 2004  -  Berlin, Germany

WHERE - Berlin Messe, Berlin Germany 

WHEN - 15th -17th June, 2004

HALL 2.2, STAND No 727

Last years stand at CWIEME 2004

berlin cwieme coil winding solutions

berlin cwieme coil winding solutions

The stand was bustling with new and innovative solutions to winding production; on show was the latest model  WH-764, WH-800(i), as well as several new ideas for bench-top coil production

berlin cwieme coil winding solutions

berlin cwieme coil winding solutions including laminators,  a new style of core taping equipment, multi spindle solutions for high turns count, 

The most popular machine in our range...

the extremely versatile WH751

berlin cwieme coil winding solutions

WH-800 machine

-with multi wire & tape feeder head.

berlin cwieme coil winding solutions

Coil Display Box showing some of our latest projects...

berlin cwieme coil winding solutions

Stand 727 Hall 2.2

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    ampere prague coil winding solutions

A great first show

WHERE     -     PVA Centre, Prague, Czech Republic


WHEN      -     30th March -2nd April , 2004

ampere prague coil winding solutions     ampere prague coil winding solutions

IWM were exhibiting at the show with our new partners Thonauer. It was a nice experience to see many customers who already knew us and were pleased to have local support. We aim to offer production solutions from the UK whilst training and installations will be carried out by Thonauer s factory trained engineers.

Stand 4c14 Hall 7

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productronica munich coil winding solutions

WHERE - Messe Munich International, Germany   

WHEN - 11th -14th November, 2003



We would like to  thank all of you who visited our stand, a successful exhibition, showing signs of market recovery.



We must apologise, at times we had more then 20 people crowding the stand, and some visitors may have not got a chance to speak to us... there are details below of how to get in touch ...

productronica munich coil winding solutions

productronica munich coil winding solutions    productronica munich coil winding solutions    productronica munich coil winding solutions

Our Swiss partner GS-Automation S.A., had a near by stand showing their world renown Biphedre winding coils with what they think is thick wire; 20micron 

productronica munich coil winding solutions

The team...

productronica munich coil winding solutions

From left to right:- Jacques Ponard (Technical Engineer, GSA), 

Roland West (MD IWM and UK partner for GSA), 

Jean-Marcel Velan (CEO GSA),

Hartmut Rueffer (Sales Manager GSA)

Christoph Klein (IWM Partner and GSA Partner for Germany and Austria)

Stand 575 Hall A6

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productronica munich coil winding solutions


This years stand at CWIEME 2003

coil winding solutions berlin cwieme
The stand was bustling with new and innovative solutions to winding production; on show was the latest model  WH-751-hot air, as well as several new ideas for bench-top coil production tqaping coils
bench winder including laminators,  core taping equipment, multi spindle solutions for high turns count, 
Technology, innovation and new ideas from our Swiss partner 

GS-Automation S.A.,



It’s our job to meet your coil-winding needs, and if possible to anticipate them by developing new machines and ways of doing things that get the job done on time and in budget. people came to talk to us about... 

  • Prototyping

  • Air coils

  •  Affordable effective coil-winding solutions

Stand 406A Hall 21B

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The team at Ingrid West Machinery at CWIEME 2002, 

  cwieme show

The stand was bustling with new and innovative solutions to winding production; on show was the latest model Biphedre from GS-Automation, as well as several new ideas for  benchtop technology.

coil winding show stnad

We would like to thank all of you who visited our stand 

Stand 113-115 Hall 20

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productronica show

IWM's stand @ Productronica 2001' 6-9th November 2001

productronica show

productronica show

On show was the whole standard range of Wey Hwang machinery, and G.S.Automation video presentations.  

From your responses, we are going to be busy! A wide range of interest was shown in our bench top machinery range as well as the automation solutions we can provide. Those of you who did not get a chance to fully discuss your enquiry, please feel free to send us more information. 

Stand 517 Hall B4

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berlin coil winding solutions

Coil Winding, Insulation & Electrical Manufacturing 
International Conference and Exhibition
June 26 - 27 - 28  -  Berlin, Germany

A very good turnout for this year show, many new companies came to see what we had to offer. With all the major product groups on display...

Just about everyone found a solution to their winding problems from IWM's product range.

berlin coil winding solutions

A massive interest in our European expansion  launch for Wey Hwang machinery resulted in one of our best shows ever.

Stand 113 & 115 Hall 20

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Enter the CoilWinding 2000 website

The National Exhibition Centre, Birmingham, UK. 3-5th October 2000

CoilWinding 2000 is Europe's longest established bi-annual Exhibition and Conference dedicated to the wound components industry.

birmingham coil 2000 coil winding solutions

Launched over 20 years ago, CoilWinding is the European forum for coil winding technology attracting a high-quality audience of key specifiers and buyers from all over the world.

NEC coil winding solutionsNEC coil winding solutions

Large investments made ensured this show was an a outstanding success, although there was a small decline in visitor numbers, everyone found a solution to their winding problems from IWM's product range.

Stand B16

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CWIEME logo web.jpg (21285 bytes)

Coil Winding, Insulation & Electrical Manufacturing International Conference and Exhibition

C W I E M E   2 0 0 0

         June 27 - 28 - 29, 2000 - Berlin, Germany

See the greatest number of coil winding, insulation and electrical manufacturing companies and products under one roof, at the biggest, dedicated event in Europe

IWM's joint stand at the recent European Coil Winding Exhibition Messe - halle Berlin.

NEC coil winding solutions

A high number of enquiries were received from almost every country in Europe and many from around the world.

Stand 406 and 408

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cw98.jpg (20023 bytes)

IWM's stand at the International Coil Winding Exhibition NEC Birmingham.

The many enquiries received suggest a busy year ahead...

show.jpg (24557 bytes)

Stand 414

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